
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mountains and Frozen Custard

On the weekend, I climbed a mountain. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I ascended a hill, but its official name is Mount Taylor. It's an easy one hour round trip climb and is located in the South of Canberra, near Tuggeranong.

The view from the top is so pretty:

 Does anyone know what this thing is?

The Mount Taylor nature reserve is supposed to host a lot of native wildlife, but we only saw some crimson rosellas (ironically, in the suburb of Pearce before we had even started the mountain trail):

For dinner, we went to Nyonya Malasian Restaurant in Tuggeranong. The beef rendang roti was delicious, but I thought the Hainan chicken was average and the salt and pepper squid was very poor (I didn't even want to finish it - it tasted like cheap oil with no flavour). I probably wouldn't return.

After our disappointing dinner, we decided to go to Goodberry's for their famous frozen custard. If you haven't tried this, YOU NEED TO! My favourite is vanilla custard with caramel fudge and chocolate cookie dough. It is called frozen custard but really it is freshly made ice cream:

"Seventy or eighty years ago, if you wanted really fresh ice cream you didn't go to the grocery store or your freezer, you loaded up the family car and went to the creamery... right there, next to the dairy.... Making our genuine frozen custard fresh hourly allows us to use the finest, freshest, all-natural ingredients without any of the preservatives and stabilizers others use. Like we always say, "What you leave out is just as important as what you put in.""

The result is absolute deliciousness:

 Source: Wilton Diaries


  1. my favourites are vanilla with caramel and violet crumble, or chocolate with mint fudge and choc chips! heaven!

    Have you tried Mt. Ainslie? that should be your next challenge!

    1. I just got back from Goodberrys again tonight (twice in as many days, this is a record) and I tried the vanilla with caramel and violet crumble, but I prefer the cookie dough one. It's still good though :)

      I have been up Mt Ainslie a few times, the view up there is fantastic with the symmetry etc

  2. Mount Taylor would probably kill me, but we have been to Goodberry's plenty of times, as we have family in Tuggers. A new ice cream shop has opened in Belconnen called Cold Rock, I think its even better.

    1. Cold Rock is in Wanniassa as well, just around the corner from Goodberrys! I much prefer Goodberrys though, I'm not a huge fan of cold rock - I don't think their ice cream is that great. Although, maybe it's because they don't have a cookie dough option, which is my MUST HAVE :)

  3. That looks delicious! I haven't done Mount Taylor but we've got a trip up Mount Tennent planned. Looking forward to that :)

    1. I just googled Mt Tennent, I didn't know it existed. I'll have to add it of my lists of Canberra mountains to climb!

  4. I LOVE GOodberry's! My favourite is chocolate custard with violet crumble mixed thru and choc fudge on top. I can't try anything else for fear it won't be as good as that combo! Oh - we went to Cold Rock once and it was DISGUSTING! Definitely capital letters required for that word. We didn't even eat half of our ice creams. They were really REALLY bad. And that's saying something, coming from an ice cream lover who eats anything!
