
Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm a Busy Beetle

I have certainly been a busy beetle this past week. I had been worrying over my decision to move back to Perth sometime this year, thinking things like 'I am so unmotivated, is there any point finding a new job? Maybe I'll still feel like this, then what?'

Being busy at work this past week has demonstrated that it isn't hard for me to be motivated and enthusiastic when I have meaningful work to do, am challenged and feel valued. Busy employees are happy employees - good management should be able to build an army of happy, busy bees! Science agrees with me - busy people are happier than people who are idle (it's true - despite how much we complain when we are continuously busy and stressed, it's better than being continuously bored and uninspired. Obviously we'd all prefer a happy medium, but meh).

In between work related trips to Sydney (exhausting but oh-so-satisfying) and rushing to meet deadlines, I had a uni assignment due plus everything else that is usually going on in my life. I was super duper happy that we had a long weekend so I could rest and prepare myself for what I knew was going to be another super busy week.

The weekend went like this:

Saturday - Bub had her gymnastics lesson (a make-up class for one we missed) and then her ballet lesson. In between, we did drawing, painting, lost the cat in the back garden (which gave me a near heart attack, as I thought she had escaped), and I did the grocery shopping.

 I am loving Bub's drawings at the moment - she has suddenly become so creative!

Sunday - AM, brunch at Ona Coffee in Manuka (review to come soon in a separate post). In the afternoon, I hiked up Mount Taylor with a friend (more detail to come!)

View from Mount Taylor

Monday -We took a day trip to Goulburn, for our annual op shopping pilgrimage and to marvel at the lovely old buildings. I will post my thrifted buys next week, but here is a teaser:

Pyrex, Johnsons Pottery, retro glasses - I had fun!

I don't feel ready for work tomorrow, but at least it's a 4 day week!


  1. Little Miss art work is soo cute, such a lovely age.

    Great finds in Goulburn. Did you know that Revolve Better Bits opened up there a few months ago? They were previously in Pialligo.

    Too much traffic on the road for us, we stay put on the long weekend. Too many mad Canberra drivers and too many accidents!

    1. That I did not - I would have stopped in if I had known, I will add it to my list for next time :) They used to have a few outlets in Canberra from memory (not just Pialligo). They got kicked out of the Mugga Lane tip site due to a dispute over unpaid rent -
