
Monday, November 11, 2013

A Garage Sale on my Street...

On Saturday, I somehow regained my sleeping in mojo. It's very strange - most weekends I wake up at my usual weekday time of 6:30am, and might doze until 7:30am but don't have much luck sleeping past then. Occasionally, as I did on Saturday, I sleep in until midday and then wake up feeling icky from TOO MUCH sleep. Go figure!

Anyway, when I finally emerged from my slumber I drove out of my driveway only to see a garage sale 4 doors down. *Obviously* I had to check it out, and boy do I regret sleeping in! It was fantastic and super cheap, and the owners said they had already sold so much because the buyers started at 6:30am!

Here are the buys:

 A gorgeous lamp, only $20.

Next, a whole selection of funky vintage jumpers for $2 each:

 I absolutely could not go past this bag!

 And even though I don't need it, I couldn't resist the candle holder (pictured in the middle)

The print on this dress is so summery :)

A vintage hat for my next trip to the races (if that ever happens!?)

And finally, my favourite purchase - a carved wooden side table for $20. It looks *perfect* at the top of my stairs!

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