
Fashionista ~ Career Woman ~ Op Shopper ~ Online Shopping Addict ~ Bargain Hunter ~ Child Rearer ~ Book Reader ~ Social Commentator

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Canberra Weekend for the 1920s Ball

I snuck out of work a little early on Friday afternoon and headed straight to the airport. After a bit of a scare that I wouldn't be able to find a 'long stay' parking bay, I nabbed one and headed to the terminal, just in time to board the flight. We had our own personal TVs (I love it when you get one of Qantas' newer planes!) so I watched 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' and a few episodes of Outnumbered. I enjoyed the movie, it is an uplifting, feel-good flick, and although the portrayal of India is quite unrealistic, it brought back some nice memories of my travels there.

As the plane started to descend, we hit turbulence and I got to the point where I thought I would have to throw up into my airsick bag. It probably didn't help that the lady sitting next to me was gripping the armrests for dear life and screeching, which was making me stressed. Thankfully it didn't get to that and we landed in one piece. I don't know how I manage to get seated next to bad fliers or annoying people more often than not, this is the second time I have had a near hysterical stranger next to me.

Our first stop on Saturday morning was Two for Joy Café in Kingston, which used to be called Pizzazz. It has the same menu and staff, so I think they just refurbished the inside. The sweet options there are still amazing – we had the lime and pistachio hotcakes with honey ricotta, fresh strawberries, raspberries, kiwifruit and raspberry coulee:  

After that, we fit in an afternoon nap before starting the pre-ball preening process. Here are some photos from the night:

I am standing on the right. I ended up borrowing my sister's school ball dress which was a little dissapointing given how long I spent searching for the perfect 1920's dress (but could not find anything I wanted to spend $$$ on!). Still, I think I ended up looking nice and my long gloves and beaded alice band ensured I fit the theme.

 More gorgeous girls... everyone put so much effort into their costumes!
I love my friend's headpiece, which she sourced from etsy...

I never said I wasn't immature... ;-) I am not talented enough to make a dog out of a champagne bottle foil, but I fed it some butter.

Sunday saw us tired and hung-over but I was not about to waste the short time I had, so we made it to brunch with 'the girls'. It was lovely to sit in the sunshine and catch up at Bicicletta, which has a very unique outside courtyard. It is set in the 'New Acton' art district which has a smattering of interesting sculptures in addition to award winning modern apartment buildings which are marketed as 'architectural art'. I think I could live in this funky area…

One of the many statues - this one is called 'Time Thief' (source and explanation
Speaking of funky, my friend's housemate's collection of Mr Potato Heads is brilliant, don't you think?
The afternoon contained more catch-ups with friends and then I boarded my flight home to Perth. It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chaos, Birthdays & Liptember

If you're wondering where I have been, the answer is working. Although you probably guessed!
I worked on my first 'hostile' takeover which meant 2 weeks of little sleep, very long days and having literally no weekends (I'd consider being in the office from 7am until midnight all weekend worse than your average weekday, so definitely not 'weekend' within the normal meaning of that word!)
In the midst of these chaotic times, I had a birthday. It would have gone uncelebrated (I had to cancel both my birthday lunch with girlfriends and my birthday dinner with the boy) but for an amazing and unexpected office delivery from my friends in Canberra:
 First I saw these fantastic balloons. Did I mention that I LOVE helium balloons!? They remind me of carefree childhood days...
 Then came a big box with lovely ribbons... which contained:
 A delicious chocolate mud cake!
Last but not least, I got this fabulous card. You can't tell from the photo but it's holographic and moves. All very exciting...
It made a dark day so much brighter!
I have just now gotten back from a whirlwind weekend trip to Canberra which was exhausting but so enjoyable. We had the 1920's ball and I caught up with all my friends, which brought back such lovely memories.

Photos of the ball will be coming soon (you will be able to see the dress I ended up wearing). In the meantime, if you haven't already please check out Project Girl's blog and sponsor her for Liptember. Liptember is all about raising funds for women's mental health, and encouraging open communication about and familiarisation with gender specific mental health issues.

In blogging about her life, Project Girl shares her personal struggles with mental illness (which is much braver than I could ever be, I am not a personal sharer!). I just sponsored her and I hope you will too.
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