
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pottering Around the Garden

I went for a run the other day and during my "warm down" walk, I spotted these pretty pink mushrooms.

I can totally see how mushrooms are associated with fairies, they are very strange and mystical plants.

I have fond memories from my childhood of playing in my grandparents' large, overgrown garden. It probably wasn't that big in reality, but to a little person it was humungous. I spent hours climbing the trees, balancing on their low walls, picking flowers, collecting insects, playing make believe games, picking and eating fruit from the fruit trees...

It got me thinking about buying a house, and how I have been considering apartments lately (mainly because of the cost!) I don't want my kids to miss out on a garden.

Here are some snaps from my Mum's garden:

The final autumn leaves are falling

This teddy belongs to my dog, isn't it adorable

 Mini succulent potted gardens - easy to make and maintain!

 Old milk tins and a vintage Balinese cabinet to store the gardening tools

The makeshift BBQ which is being used until we buy a proper one...

Do you spend much time in the garden?


  1. That mushroom pic is amazing! Makes me think Faraway Tree :)

    Love that your dog has a teddy!

    HAHA and that's a sophisticated BBQ set up :P

  2. My garden is my getaway! If I'm stressed or sad or lonely I always find solace there. Ours is very big and there is always something to do there. I wouldn't have it any other way! G. X
