
Saturday, May 19, 2012

AEIOU: Awesome, Exciting, Interesting, Opportunity, Understanding

I am joining in with Posie Patchwork's AEIOU link party this month.

#1 Awesome – something you baked/ created/ photographed/ a bargain you found

My creativity has this month been limited to creatively packing boxes to fit in as much as possible without over packing an individual box, while trying to use as few boxes overall as possible. Sadly, this has not stopped me from online shopping. I snapped up these Georgie leather boots from Asos, for a bargain $60 AUD including postage:
Genuine leather boots delivered to my new address for $60? Now that is awesome.

#2 Exciting – share your news/ event/ holiday/ a gorgeous butterflies-in-tummy moment

My exciting news is that I will be moving back to Perth in a week. I have now finished work in Canberra, hence the packing, It has all happened very fast and I will leave with mixed feelings - I'm very sad to be leaving my friends behind, but happy that I'll be close to my family in Perth, and will be reunited with my besties there.

#3 Interesting – teach us information/ discovery/ facts/ a chance to show off your quirky side

I have just finished reading a super interesting book called Identical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and United. It is about twins who were separated as babies, and raised by different adoptive families without any knowledge of the existence of the other. They were separated, it seems, to be part of a nature vs nurture "twin study". They were re-united at age 35, and learn about their striking similarities and differences. The book is written from both of their perspectives, with an alternating voice. It is a heart warming, personal story about self discovery (and delving into the past, and ethics, in their attempts to find out why they were separated and whether they were studied for scientific purposes) but also has a non-fiction slant, as one of the twins in particular has done a lot of research about twins and uses these findings in her analysis. I found it very interesting, and would recommend you read it too if you get the chance.

#4 Opportunity – embrace the unknown/ put yourself out there/ show off a new experience.

Opportunity is truly knocking at my door (although I feel as if the door is locked, and I cannot find the correct key). I am now unemployed (thankfully, by choice) and can take my career in any direction that I choose. It is nerve wracking not knowing what I want to do, and what jobs I should apply for (or whether I will get one that I want, or any at all!)... yet the opportunities are endless, and I need to embrace the unknown and take chances while I am in a position to be able to do so. For me, this is an exercise in trusting myself and my ability, and accepting that I cannot plan ahead but it's okay to be in this situation.

#5 Understanding – learning to appreciate/ forgive/ love/ unleash what helps you grow

I am scared about moving home with my parents. It will be temporary, but the reality is that it could be for 6 months or slightly more depending on how easy it is for me to find a job and several other factors. What scares me the most:

1) I don't get on with one of my sisters at all. We have always fought, and despite trying my hardest to avoid and ignore her, I fear that we will clash yet again. She is very difficult to live with, and I have not found a way to understand her or forgive her for what I view as her very selfish behaviour.

2) My Mum is very intense, full on, and melodramatic. She loves to whinge and complain which is at odds with my own "do something to change it, otherwise what is the point of going on about it again and again" attitude. I have gotten used to considerable freedom during my time away, and I have enjoyed coming home to a calm and peaceful environment after work. I hope that I can be patient with her, and stay calm myself despite my surroundings.

3) The space issue. I've gotten used to a lot of it - space and privacy. I've been as messy as I please, left dirty dishes in the sink for a few days at a time, put off doing laundry, made half arsed efforts to clean... this is not gonna fly at home. I mustn't complain really... if I can't deal with it, I'll move out and pay rent (and one day, I'll hire a cleaner!)


  1. It sounds like this will be a happy and exciting, and possibly challenging, time for you! It sounds like you're in a much better place than where you have been for a while, with opportunities waiting for you. Good luck! What a shame we never got to meet!

  2. Love the boots.

    Good luck with the moving and job hunting. There are definitely worse places in the world to be looking for work than WA at present!!

  3. That book sounds super interesting, I might have to check it out! Good luck with moving, hopefully it all goes to plan and you find a job sooner rather than later x

  4. Oh wow Lisa, what a huge move!! I bet you won't miss the freezing cold Canberra WInter for WA, but i can assure you, we get along famously with both our families, because we left Sydney while we were young, established ourselves as parents in Darwin & literally only visit family, not live in their pockets, works wonders with niggling siblings, especially sisters.
    I love the sound of this book, amazing, as a mother of twins i can't imagine what that must be like, as my twins have such an understanding of each other, incredible story!!
    Happy travels & thanks so much for playing along with my AEIOU this month, love Posie
