
Friday, March 02, 2012

To Do List: Here and Now

Things I really need to get around to doing…
  1. Start exercising again, and regain some pride in my body and appearance. 
  2. Get my teeth professionally cleaned. They feel gross, and I can see plaque on the backs… not to mention I haven’t been to a dentist in over two years, which probably isn’t great.
  3. Follow up on the insurance claim I made after breaking my ankle through netball insurance. I bet they’re going to claim that they didn’t receive my documentation, so I’ll have to resend it all (and get some of it resigned…argh).
  4. Finish my decluttering spree, which will include some market selling, ebay listing and op shop donating.
  5. Reinvigorate myself outside of work – learn sewing, or another language (mandarin could be interesting)
  6.  Plan a fun outing with friends on a weekend, or maybe even a weekend away. I have not been enthusiastic enough to make the effort lately, but I need to get back to it!
  7.  Start cooking and eating healthily again. I think exercise needs to come first so I can get motivated to do this, as cooking is not my favourite passtime.
  8. Get a haircut! This is much needed, and although I want to grow my hair long, I need to get the dead ends trimmed off and get it re-layered.
  9. Get Photoshop or similar, so I can start making cool pictures for this blog (instead of relying on and being sorely limited by Microsoft Paint) 
  10. Have a massive cleaning day, where I mop, vacuum, scrub and dust until the whole house gleams.


  1. That's quite a list Lisa. Goodluck crossing things off x

  2. hope you get your errands done! that's a long list!
