
Saturday, February 04, 2012

Re - Crap of the Week


It has been a Crappy Week. Reasons for crap - tacular - ness:
  • Work is really boring me. I do not want to be in the office, it is so painful. I am not getting personal satisfaction, or being challenged. I have become completely unmotivated.
  • I have a tendency to stress myself out career-wise. I hate not knowing what I want to be doing now, and in the future. I am always too concerned with carving out a perfect path as is expected of me, and by me.
  • Canberra is boring. A group of my friends have gone away for the weekend, and I'm not invited. I would not have been offended, as I understand that you have to limit numbers with these things - except that the organiser told me about the trip in detail (making me assume I'd be invited). I never heard anything more after that so assumed it wasn't going ahead, until I found out that it was, but I was just not invited.
  • I want to be in a relationship that both makes me happy now and allows me to plan for the future, having kids etc. I don't see that happening in Canberra.
  • I am not feeling passionate about anything, and I really can't be bothered with social situations at the moment (plus, they're not making me happy).
Things that (should have) made me happy this week:
  • Eating yummy Thai for dinner at Amarin Thai in Kingston:
    • All you can eat Yum Cha at the Croatian Club in Deakin.
    • Op shopping (finds to be posted tomorrow, stay tuned!)
    • Brunch at Pizzazz in Kingston: 


      1. I'm sorry your not happy in Canberra. Is it not possible for you to move back home to Perth?

      2. Sorry to hear you're not having the best time at the moment. My offer still stands! Hopefully we can get that blog prize sorted out for you soon :-) Hope you got my email.

      3. Sorry to hear you're unhappy! One of best friends used to live in Canberra she made the move and now she couldn't be happier! Sometimes you have to do whats right for you and what makes you happy!!

      4. Thanks Klara, I emailed you back :)

        That Brunette One, I agree you have to do what makes you happy. Unfortunately I am tied down to work here at least for another few months.

        Vintage Sweetheart - I have started looking into this. It might be hard for me to find a job in Perth and I wouldn't move until I had secured one, but I'll try!
