
Thursday, January 12, 2012

If you cannot be content in the present, plan for the future

It is a sad day for my blogging. The IT department at work have suddenly cottoned on to the fact that blog surfing is a time waster, and have blocked all / sites. This means that I'll no longer be able to spend my lunch break or quiet periods surfing and commenting on blogs. Very sad indeed, although justified in the interests of not wasting taxpayer money.

Work has been painfully boring this week. Last week I was one of the only people back in the office so I had a lot to do... this week, everyone is back, except my manager is on leave, which means nothing can be signed off. That means there are too many bodies/brains and not enough things to do. Contrary to what you might think, I really hate not being busy - it is very unsatisfying and the days go slooowly. I am at my best in stressful situations where I am super busy and juggling several tasks.

It is so hard to be back in Canberra after spending such a lovely 2 weeks with my family and friends in Perth. I find that I often feel that I am just "existing" here - every day I get up, go to work, get home, go to sleep and I just need to "get through" every day, with nothing to look forward to. Occassionally I go out for dinner or drinks, but on weeknights I am often too tired to enjoy this anyway. I need to absorb some sort of guide on "how to be content in the present".

In the meantime, it became very clear on my arrival here that I needed something to look forward to. It seems that everyone else feels the same way, because people who were not interested in going on a holiday at the end of last year are suddenly keen on the idea.

The following plans are in the works (whether or not they will happen is another matter, but fingers crossed):

#1 Beijing in April

#2 Bali in June for a girlfriend's wedding
Source: Puri Raja Hotel, Legian

#3 A weekend at the NSW South Coast sometime in February
Source: Stayz

#4 A girls long weekend away in Melbourne at some point


  1. long time reader first time commenter. I stumbled upon your blog because I was searching for the Icy Pole Dinosaur Food (a favourite of my youth) and literally the only hit I got on google was a message board where you had also posted your love of said delicious treat. It lead me to your blog which I have been enjoying ever since! Just wondering do you have a twitter account I can also follow? Anyway keep up the great work!

  2. Yeah, do you have a Twitter account?
    I often feel the same as you've described, just struggling to get through the daily things that need to be done, not finding any joy in them. And work in 2012 is a real DRAG so far! Maybe it's summer tricking us with this cold snap and making us feel a bit blah?

  3. Lukey20, I'm so glad you commented. I had no idea i had a lurking non commenting reader out there. This type of thing makes blogging so worthwhile. It's especially cool how you found me!

    I don't have Twitter, and I dont know much about it tbh. Obviously youd recommend it? What are the best things about it?
