
Monday, December 12, 2011

Queanbeyan Opshopping (Again!)

Last weekend, I decided to introduce a friend to the wonderful world of Q-beyan opshops. I found out some sad news - my favourite opshop, 'Little Salvos' which is run by 2 super cute little old ladies is closing down at the end of this month. This is sad because it's the cheapest op shop in Queanbeyan and most like an old fashioned, country town shop. Unfortunately it is the only opshop in Queanbeyan that hasn't cottoned on to the "retro is cool, so we'll up the prices" trend.

There was some nice vintage linen at Big Salvos, but at $7-$10 a pop (when all other linen is $1-$2) I couldn't justify it. Obviously someone retro-savvy did the pricing. I did pick up this gorgeous tablecloth at Little Salvos for $2, definitely my favourite find of the day:

This vintage blouse from Big Salvos was on sale, so was a steal at $1.75:

I'm not sure about this Friends of Couture cardi, it depends whether it looks tidier after ironing. At $4, I decided to buy it anyway:

And finally, some cute little shorts for $3 (at 50% off) from Vinnies:

As usual, linking up with Sophie's Flea Market Finds and Apron Thrift Girl.

I also bought a stack of tinsel and Christmas decorations and candy from Sam's Warehouse, and some baskets from various opshops. I am making Christmas treat hampers for people who are too difficult to buy anything else for.
I made most of my Christmas cards this year too, even though most of my scrapbooking supplies are stored at my parents house in Perth. My end products always look like a child's artwork but I find it enjoyable and relaxing, and I think people appreciate the effort I put in :-)

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