
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Review: Beyond Q Bookshop & Cafe, Curtin

I bought a Livingsocial voucher for 2 coffees and 2 cakes at Beyond Q, a place that advertises itself with the phrase "bookshop | bar | barista". I was super excited to check it out because Beyond Q also hosts a lot of live music, and I always enjoy music gatherings.

A quick google revealed this news article featuring the bookshop, which is unsurprising given the crazy beaurocratic world that is Canberra: Breaking News - Military police raid Beyond Q bookstore in Canberra, seizing 'classified' manuals *rolls eyes*

Today, we had a lovely outing there. It is a cosy cave of wonderment, located "underground" and filled with all sorts of weird and wonderful books, both old and new. The cafe area is cute and funky, with super friendly and attentive staff who take an interest in their patrons. The coffee was good, the cake okay (it tasted a little bit dry, if it was fresher it would have been delicious) and the atmosphere lovely. We were treated to piano and guitar performances by other patrons (there is a free for all piano and some guitars).

The old and young alike find this place charming


In terms of the books, there are rows and rows of them. They aren't bargain priced compared to some places (for fiction novels, you pay between $5 - $15 per book) but they have an excellent range and if you're looking for something in particular you're bound to find it. They have lots of old, antique books as well as best sellers and all sorts of reference books.

A cosy nook for reading between the shelves

This little piggie went to market...

I think you go to Beyond Q more for the atmosphere than anything, it's a comfortable place to meet a friend and have a heart to heart or catch up over a yummy coffee. I'm happy to have discovered this bohemian slice of Canberra, and I'll be back!


  1. I can spend alllllllll day browsing I reckon =) so cosy looking I love it. Will let you know about the vichy dermablend - but from all the reviews I've read so far, it's good good good! =) Approx $30 from ebay including shipping.

  2. 5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
    His email address:
