
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Suncream Artist

Daddy was supposed to be looking after Bub. I arrived home and Bub ran to the door to meet me. “Where’s Daddy?” Bub puts her finger to her lips- “Shhh! Daddy’s sleeping” (Silent eye roll from me). I ask her what she’s been doing. Excitedly she tells me “I’m drawing a picture, with sun cream, with my FEET!”

At this point I am thinking - Uh oh. This is not the kind of thing you want to hear from a 3 year old.

Our lovely fluffy colourful rug has had half a litre of sun cream emptied onto it and smooshed around. “And then” she tells me, “I made a WATERFALL!” Sun cream is cascading down a stack of DVDs and off the side of the TV cabinet.

Very creative. Daddy was promptly woken up to rectify the situation. I wish wish wish I had taken a photo of the damage, as it’s so funny in hindsight. But I think I was too annoyed at the time...

It appears others have been in a similar situation. This photo is a still from this Youtube clip:

And a final thought - why is it that Daddy gets to sleep on the couch but I would be woken up within minutes?


  1. I'm glad you are able to find it funny in hindsight :) when I was young I managed to grab a jar of vaseline and proceeded to smear the entire contents all over myself. Mum still talks about it (20 years later!) and about how difficult it was to clean up haha.
    Your child sounds much more artsy and creative!

  2. Have had similar issues here.

    This is what happens when my daughter is combined with a whole bottle of make up and my bedroom carpet.

    Oh dear.
