
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Things I like about Canberra

Daddy got Bub (who is coughing, argh... just waiting for it to wake her up tonight) ready for her ballet lesson this morning. He came in asking me if 'that's all she needs'. All I can say is, at least he makes an effort... and he's so cute. The leotard was on back to front, her stockings had been put on over the leotard, and she was missing her ballet shoes.

I am feeling very uninspired at the moment, by everything. Being in Canberra still gets me down, as all of my friends and family are all the way in Perth. I am going back to visit in 2 weeks time, but it seems like 2 weeks too long! 2 weeks of work to get through until then...

I have made some friends here through work but more often than not, it seems that everyone goes to their respective 'real homes' in Sydney or Melbourne every weekend, and hardly anyone is left in Canberra. Obviously that's not possible with Perth - by the time you factor in airport waiting time etc, it's a 5-7 hour travel time each way. Not to mention the $600 (if you book early) pricetag on Qantas' direct flight.

Instead of complaining, I have decided to make a list of things I like about Canberra...

Things I like about Canberra:

1* The abundance of government jobs, which offer such excellent conditions and work-life balance. This is after all what brought me here in the first place.
2* The lack of traffic on my way to work. I live in the Southside, I wouldn't be saying the same if I lived in the North and had to brave Northbourne Ave peak hour traffic every day.
3* The days where it's biting cold, but then the sun comes out and it's not so bad.
4*Good quality fresh fruit most of the time.
5* Hot chocolates at Max Brenner
6* Being able to drive to work and park, for free!
7* Sunsets over the lake.
8* The beautiful colours of leaves in Autumn.
9* Laksa at Asian noodle house.
10* The fact that it's only an hour flight to Melbourne, my favourite Aussie shopping city.
11* Aldi bargains and chocolate. We don't have it in Perth.
12* The abundant bird life here, especially the male fairy wren which is just so pretty


  1. Just to let you know I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog. Please check it out and I hope you accept!

    E :)

  2. That is a great way to look at this. Looking at the positives helps when the negatives are what you dwell on. It is a great list of positives too!

    I have family in Canberra and we are heading off at the end of the week to visit them.

  3. Well done for coming up with a list of 12 things to like about Canberra! I'm from Canberra (but now live in Brisbane) so was intrigued by your post title. My sisters still live in Canberra and one of them declares that she is going to resign and move up here every August - we think this is her way of dealing with a bitterly cold winter there.

    One thing I do miss though is the Autumn leaves

  4. Hope you start to feel more at home in Canberra soon. I'm in Canberra too, have lived here all my life and while I think I could happily live elsewhere, there are plenty of things to love about Canberra. And they become more and more noticeable as the weather gets warmer!

  5. I'm from Tassie so our weather is quite similar. I love the variety and that each day is different. When I visited Canberra it found it quite pretty, especially near the lake.

  6. I feel your pain!! I am living in Canberra and from Perth too! I've been here two years and am growing to love it but Perth is still home and is sooo far away to visit
